Electronic Giving

Our parish offers Online Giving, a web-based electronic contribution application.

We are providing this service so that you have the option to manage your contributions online or with your offering envelopes. This service is safe and secure and it is convenient for you! Simply click on the Online Giving icon to the left and you will be directed to a page where you can Create Your Account.

Online Giving is an easy-to-use interface, with reminders about expired credit cards, and a quicker way to donate to specific funds. Online Giving is a great way to help the administrative staff while supporting our church. Signing up is easy – you can use a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Benefits to You

  • Convenient

    Anytime, anywhere access through the internet

  • Secure & Confidential

    Adheres to banking security standards.

  • Flexible

    Start, stop and change your contributions at any time.

  • Simple

    No need to contact your bank or the parish office.

  • Versatile

    Contribute using direct withdrawal (ACH) or credit cards.

  • Functional

    You receive reminders and notifications about transactions.

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Frequently Asked Questions