Parish Registration

Empowered by the teachings of Jesus Christ and enriched by the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales, the Parish of Holy Redeemer by the Sea reaches out to many diverse groups within the greater community of the Outer Banks.

If you attend Mass regularly in the Outer Banks, we invite you to register as a parishioner so that we can welcome you properly, learn about any special needs and interests, and keep you informed of our worship opportunities and activities. We encourage you to consider becoming involved in our various organizations, committees and other aspects of parish life and activities.

To register, please print the form and mail or drop off completed, or contact the parish office (252-261-4700). Once you have completed the form and registered, will get back to you as soon as possible. Your Name, Address and Phone Number are required.

Welcome and God Bless!

New Parishioner Registration Form

Step 1 of 6

Is this your part-time or full-time residence?(Required)
Local Address(Required)
Secondary Address (If applicable)