Faith Formation Programs

First Grade through Tenth Grade

“Faith formation informs, forms, and transforms individuals—whether child, youth, or adult—into a robust, vital, and life-giving Christian faith that is holistic: a way of the head, the heart, and the hands. It also does the same for the Christian community. While expressed in many different ways, faith formation seeks to help people grow in their relationship with God for the entirety of life.” —Excerpt from Vibrant Faith.

At Holy Redeemer by the Sea, we strive to assist our students in forming a relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, grow in knowledge of Catholic teaching and practice, and become true disciples of Christ. Faith Formation is a lifelong journey, and we are happy to be a part of yours!

Faith Formation Sacramental Programs (Two-Year Requirement)

Holy Redeemer by the Sea follows the Diocese of Raleigh for Sacramental Preparation. All candidates are required to attend two years of preparation classes for all Sacraments. The classes are as follows: “Two-Year Preparation for the Sacraments of Penance and First Communion” and “Two-Year Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.” Participation in both years of each preparation program is required to be eligible for the Sacraments.

Note: For families transferring from another parish, proof of participation in instruction, along with a seal from the previous parish, is required before joining our Sacramental Programs. The document must be sent directly to Holy Redeemer by the Sea Parish Faith Formation at

Faith Formation Registration

2024-2025 Registration is Closed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kerri Engley, Director of Faith Formation, at

Quinceañera Preparation Program

We are excited to offer a Quinceañera Preparation Program. All young ladies must complete this program to celebrate a Quinceañera in our parish. We recommend starting the program when you turn 14 to ensure you are fully prepared for this wonderful ceremony.

For more information, please visit Catholic Quince Prep.

Adult Faith Formation

Little Rock Scripture Group

Join us for fellowship as we explore God’s Word and learn how to apply it to our daily lives. Together, we will encourage and support each other while reflecting on the Scriptures. The group meets on Wednesdays from 9:45 AM to 11:30 AM at Holy Redeemer in the parish hall. If you are interested in joining, please contact Nancy Barlow at