Knights of Columbus

Grand Knight Message

Who would ever think our world would be involved in so many calamities? Fear, anguish, hate, appeared to raise its ugly head to the point of world destruction. But, that is not what is happening. Our religion has flourished; KofC services for humanity have increased; our leadership has taken on many more services for ministries and health organizations.

Our expansions have come in parallel with guidance of Assistance in Dementia and cardio. Our location on the Outer Banks is extremely unique, handling everything from storm destruction (common) to the increased number of ministries helping the infirm.

Yes, we do need additional manpower to fulfill our known obligations and there are those who call out unexpectedly. We are there! We never let one man stand alone – we will help. We are the largest men’s Catholic Fraternal organization.

As Grand Knight, I invite all Knights and parishioners to join me in a Novena for the canonization of our Founder, Fr. Michael J. McGivney – the link below provides the details.

Business Meeting

7:00pm the 2nd Monday of every month

Social Meeting

7:00pm the 4th Monday of every month


Join the Knights of Columbus

If you are interested in helping those in need, serving our parish, growing in faith or obtaining exclusive access to top-rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you. Please consider joining our Council.

The Knights of Columbus also now offers membership on line. Any 18 year old practicing Catholic male may join as a member, with all the benefits of a Knight, except voting privileges, which he can secure by joining the local Council and completing the Admissions Degree ( 1st degree of the Order). For more information online, refer to

Grand Knight Rick Setty


Chancellor Thomas M. Herman

Knights of Columbus Annunciata Council #8759

The Knights of Columbus from our council at Holy Redeemer by the Sea Parish presented a check for $11,741.00 to Creative Choices Pregnancy Resource Center located in Nags Head. This donation included $2,000 from the Lenten Fish Fry carry outs and $9,741 from the Baby Bottle/Small Change collection from all the Masses at Holy Redeemer and Holy Trinity.

The donation was gratefully received by Renee Clark, Director, Creative Choices Pregnancy Resource Center and Janet Wiltshire, Chairperson, Board of Directors. Thank you to our parishioners, visitors, and our brother Knights who made this donation possible.

Creative Choices Donation

Knightly Reflection

On March 29, 1882, Venerable Michael J. McGivney, the assistant pastor at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut, started the very first Knights of Columbus council. It all started as a fraternal benefit society designed to make sure that the wives and families of Irish Catholic immigrants were taken care of should something happen to them.

These men received the peace of mind knowing that their families would be taken care of by fellow Brother Knights if an unforeseen tragedy occurred. To this day, the Knights remain dedicated to Father McGivney’s vision of providing security and brotherhood for all Catholics in our wonderful country. Over time, of course, the Knights have become so much more than that.

Dedicated to our core principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism, we are united in stewardship both in our parishes and beyond. We support our parishes with countless volunteer hours and proudly proclaim our support for all priests and religious. Our RSVP program provides financial assistance to seminarians studying for the priesthood. In the state of North Carolina, our state program, Project LAMB (Least Among My Brethren) provides thousands of dollars of financial assistance to those with intellectual disabilities, and the Knights are one of the largest supporters both financially and in volunteer hours of the Special Olympics.

Our patriotism has proudly shown itself from the start. The Knights were well known in World War I for providing clubhouses at military training camps with the motto “everyone welcome, everything free” and are very dedicated to providing assistance to disabled veterans and providing scholarships for military chaplains.

We are also dedicated to providing support for the unborn through programs such as our Ultrasound Initiative and our Baby Bottle program. And that, as they say, is just the tip of the iceberg. All of this started from one parish priest who wanted to help some Catholic immigrants 133 years ago. Would you like to join us? If you’re a practicing Catholic male, age 18 or over, you are welcome to join us – and we hope you will!

Annunciata Knights of Columbus Council Officers

Grand Knight Nicholas D'Amato
Chaplain Fr. John Hanley, osfs
Deputy Grand Knight Richard M. Jones
Chancellor Thomas M. Herman
Recorder Mike Morway
Financial Secretary David Prentice (Appointed)
Treasurer Nicholas J. Facci
Lecturer Thomas M. Herman
Advocate TBA
Warden Brian T. Kelly
Inside Guard Ross A. Kearney
Outside Guard #1 Pete M. Markland
Outside Guard #2 TBA
Trustee TBA
One Year Timothy G. Gregory
Two Year Deacon Albert J. Hallatt
Three Year Richard D. Setty

SK Michael Shannon Assembly 2989

Faithful Navigator Rick Setty 252-305-2699
Faithful Comptroller Leo Holland 252-256 -2488