Pastor's Welcome

Welcome to our webpage. We are honored by your interest in our parish.
Since 1929, Holy Redeemer By The Sea parish has served the sacramental and liturgical needs of resident Catholics and seasonal visitors of the Outer Banks. We have been and continue to be a visible sign of the Roman Catholic Church in an area where the Catholics are still a distinct minority. Whether you come to worship at our main church, Holy Redeemer By The Sea in Kitty Hawk or in our smaller Mission Chapel, Holy Trinity By The Sea in Nags Head, whether your first language is English or Spanish, please know that we seek to serve you and to offer our worship with you in an authentic, faithful and welcoming way. We pray that you will join us in our pursuit of the Will of God by meeting passionately well the ordinary demands of our lives in an extraordinary way for the love of God.
As a community claiming St. Francis DeSales and St. Jane DeChantal as our spiritual Patrons, we aspire to “Live Jesus” in a gentle and humble way so that others may come to know and experience our loving God through us and through His Church. We invite you to join us in this mission.
Wishing God’s merciful blessing on you
Fr. John Hanley, osfs