Social Outreach
“Ministry is, first of all, receiving God’s blessing from those to whom we minister. What is this blessing? It is a glimpse of the face of God.” ~ Henri Nouwen
From its beginning days, Holy Redeemer by the Sea has been a caring community, people helping people, and that caring has continued to grow as the parish continues to grow.
Our parish provides opportunities for parishioners to put into action the Corporal Works of Mercy. Various activities allow you to give either one hour of your time or several days on a periodic basis. If you interested in sharing your time and talent with the following outreach ministries, please contact the parish office at
Beach Food Pantry
Each and every day, we are working to end hunger in our community. We strive to provide healthy and nutritional food items which include pantry staples, fresh vegetables, frozen items, meat and dairy. It is our firm belief that healthy eating and well-rounded food choices are of utmost importance in today’s busy households. Volunteers from different faith communities help the Pantry on a regular basis to keep the shelves stocked and to assist clients with food choices. Holy Redeemer volunteers are scheduled to help every 6 weeks.
Crafty Ladies/Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Crafty Ladies group meets weekly every Tuesday to share and develop new ideas and skills while working on various outreach projects. One of their monthly initiatives is the Prayer Shawl Ministry, where handmade shawls are given to individuals in need of comfort and support. Each shawl is created from a place of compassion and care, embodying love, hope, and healing. The shawls are prayed over and blessed before being shared with parishioners in need or for their loved ones. The Prayer Shawls are also distributed at the Outer Banks Hospital Cancer Center.
Coast to Coast Rosary
Please join us and thousands of prayer warriors across the nation in praying the Rosary on the First Sunday of the year. The rally is usually held on the beach at the south side of Jennette’s Pier, Nags Head. Rosaries are provided. What better way to thank God for His blessings in sustaining us and to ask for His healing?

Divine Mercy
Everyone is invited to participate in the Divine Mercy Chaplet prayer at Holy Redeemer on Sundays at 3:00 pm. Those who participate in this devotion have experienced the power of prayer and God's mercy. If you would like us to pray for a loved one, please contact Marcy Martin at (252) 261-7946.
Interfaith Community Outreach (ICO)
This is an ecumenical program joined with other faith communities of the Outer Banks to help those in immediate need within the Outer Banks. ICO provides assistance to clients in need of rent, fuel, utilities, clothing, furniture and food on an emergency basis. Volunteers help provide confidential assistance to clients who come to the center.
Outer Banks Dementia Friendly Coalition
The Outer Banks Dementia Friendly Coalition raises awareness about their programs supporting people living with Dementia and their care partners. Parishioners can help caregivers and their loved ones by volunteering for one of the support groups: Caregiver Support Group and Caregivers’ Day Out.
For more information, please contact Dianne Denny at (252) 489-9508 or
Peace Garden
The Peace Garden is a space located on the church grounds designed for pausing, reflecting, praying, and meditating on themes of peace and harmony. Its purpose is to nurture a culture of non-violence and peace within ourselves and in the world. The focal point of the garden is the Peace Pole, which bears the inscription, "May peace prevail on earth." Volunteers are responsible for checking on the garden to ensure it is well cared for. If you enjoy gardening, this ministry is perfect for you.
Red Cross Blood Drive
The blood drive is organized several times a year and held in the parish hall. Volunteers assist with various tasks, including advertising the event, calling previous donors to remind them about it, and obtaining food and drink donations. They also help recruit additional volunteers for the day of the Blood Drive.
Respect Life
Respect Life's mission is to educate, support, and communicate the Catholic Church's position on all aspects of the sanctity of life, including abortion, war, capital punishment, and the dignity of life in relation to economic and cultural challenges. We provide information and resources to the parish concerning the sanctity of all individuals at every stage of life, in alignment with Catholic Social Teaching. This ministry welcomes anyone with a loving, caring, and patient disposition.
Room In The Inn
Room In The Inn offers hospitality, food, shelter, and some support services to men and women experiencing homelessness on the Outer Banks during the winter months. Volunteers play a crucial role by providing meals and overnight assistance to guests at their designated shelters. Additionally, volunteers engage in fundraising activities and help collect essential clothing and supplies.

Ruthie’s Community Kitchen
This initiative aims to provide free suppers, particularly for those in need, on Tuesday nights at Son Rise Church of Christ in Kill Devil Hills or at other designated locations. Each Tuesday, a different congregation or community organization serves meals to approximately 40-50 people. Volunteers are needed to cook or prepare food, assist with the setup and takedown of tables and chairs, set up tablecloths and place settings, serve and assist guests, greet and chat with attendees, and clean up after dinner.
Thanksgiving Outreach Ministry
The parish’s “Thanksgiving Outreach” takes place two weeks before Thanksgiving. Food donated by our parishioners, support organizations that help provide a Thanksgiving dinner to folks in need.
Widows and Widowers Luncheon
The Widows and Widowers Luncheon meet the third Thursday of the month. Please join us at 3 Tequilas Restaurant, 804 S. Croatan Hwy, Kill Devil Hills, at 12:30 pm. This is a great way to share a meal and have a good time getting to know other parishioners. If you would like more information, please contact Sheila Chieco at
WaterLife Pregnancy Care Center
WaterLife Pregnancy Care Center supports women facing unexpected pregnancies. They provide education to help clients make informed decisions about their situations. If a client is unsure of what to do, she will be connected to our non-judgmental and supportive team. Volunteers can assist the Center by helping at the Thrift Store or participating in fundraisers.

"Walk For Life"
Thanks to the generosity of donors, combined with the donation made by our Knights of Columbus, our Parish community donated over $3,000.00 towards the Center’s goal of $12,000! The Center is overwhelmed by your stewardship.